Sunday, March 9, 2008

Away She Crawls! Abby at 8 months

Welcome to Abby's World

Hello again everybody!

Want to go for a crawl?

Playtime with Fitz

My string!

Are you sure it's safe to come out now?

Alright, off I go!

Yes, I'm busy right now.. what do you want?

Can I have a Martin for my birthday Daddy? I've always wanted my own guitar!

Thanks for stopping by!


downpouredlife said...

Wow guys! she is so so so so so adorable! Seriously, she's like, classic baby gorgeous. I didn't know they made them like that anymore (except ours, but she was a custom job)

downpouredlife said...

Ps, it's me, susan! I don't know why, but blogger used my college-blogging name from back in the day....!

Joshua and Misty Cole said...

Hey! Thanks for putting up new pics of my beautiful niece. Now tell her I love her "heaps" in a New Zealand accent. I hope you guys are doing great!
Love You!